Business Matters, Real Estate, Wills & Estate Planning
Large Firm Efficiency,
Small Town Connection
Proven Track Record
Knowlegeable & Efficient

Our Law office has modern and up-to-date conveniences and services, while retaining a deep understanding of the needs and concerns of the people who call Prospect home. Attorney Holley’s family has been in Prospect since the turn of the century, and he is third-generation Prospect. These photos bear testament to this relationship.
Attorney Holley has nearly 30 years of experience representing individuals and businesses in a wide variety of matters, including Estate Planning (wills, living wills, powers of attorney), Real Estate Matters (title and easement problems, closings), and a variety of other legal matters.
Attorney Holley has developed a wide array and network of professional associations and friendships, which provides access to numerous areas of expertise. He is a Member of the Connecticut Bar Association’s Estates and Probates Section, the members of which routinely provide insights and advice to each other. He has advised and counseled several trade and professional organizations, who value his extensive experience in resolving problems efficiently but without ever forgetting that his clients come first.